Data Science Project Charter

1. Data Gathering

Data Gathering and dictionary creation. Data understanding plays a key role to understand what the data means.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis

EDA is divided into 2 phases

Univariate Analysis

Analyze and understand the ranges and categories of variables and check their distributions.

Bivariate Analysis

Plot the variables of interest against the dependent variable.


Generate a correlation heatmap to figure out the highly correlated independent variables.

3. Data Wrangling

Clean/Impute Missing Variables

Data with a lot of missing variables generate noise within the model. It is advised to clean the data by either removing the variable if a high proportion of missing values exist.

Outlier Treatment

Take a call whether to keep the outliers or cap them at a certain level.

Feature Engineering

Generate new features based on existing variables.


Standard or Normalize the data to run the model

3. Modeling

Train Test Split

Split the data into training and testing datasets (ideally 70:30)

Initial Modeling

Run initial model to check for feature importance and prediction accuracy. Run multiple models to check variances across.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Using grid search run a combination of hyperparameter tuning and check for best results

Finalize Data and Model

Based on the initial modeling, drop/keep variables of interest/importance and run the final model.

Generate Insights

Present the generated insights as a flowing story that connects the business requirement and the data modeling.