Linear Regression
Linear Regression is the most basic type of regression that there is. It takes a variable and states that on the basis of other variables, it will predict the concerned variable. It does this by simply drawing a line through the points and generating an equation.
Method = Ordinary Least Square
⚠️ Linear Regression requires the complete data should be numerical in nature.
- Dependent Variable
: the one you need to predict - Independent Variable
: the others with which you will predict - Residual: difference between observation and the fitted line
- Error: Residual
The objective is to minimize the sum of squares of the residuals (difference between observation and the fitted line)
- Linear relationship between dependent & independent variables
- No presence of outliers
- Independent variables are independent of each other (non colinear)
- Errors, also called residuals
- Should have constant variance (homoscedasticity)
- Are independent and identically distributed (iid) ie No Autocorrelation
- Are normally distributed with a mean of 0
Outputs and Validation
- R-squared: The most common validation check
- Adjusted R-squared
One Hot Encoding
This method is used to convert Categorical variables to Continuous variables. It is very simple:
Transport | » | Car | Bus | Train |
Car | » | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Bus | » | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Train | » | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Dummy Variable Trap
Lookout for this when converting categorical variables to continuous variables by one hot encoding (flag variable)
- [x] Include one less variable when adding dummy variables to regression.
- [x] The excluded variable serves as the base variable.
- [x] All the other values are a reference to the base variable.
Tests for Assumptions:
- Methods :
- Residuals vs Predicted plot / Residuals vs Actuals plot
- Corrections :
- Log transformation for strictly positive variables
- Adding regressor which is non-linear function eg x and x2
- Create new variable which is sum/product of A & B
- Methods:
- Correlation Matrix
- VIF (Variance Inflation Factor)
VIF is calculated only on the Independent variables. It runs a series of auxiliary regressions which fetches the R2 value of Xi against other IVs. Eg : If X2, X3, X4, have high R2 value when regressed against X1, it essentially means that X2, X3, X4 can explain a high amount of variation in X1 and it is redundant. Range = 1 to ∞ 1 < low < 5 < medium < 10 < high
- Methods:
- Goldfeld-Quandt test
- Scatter plot (residuals vs predicted)
- Corrections :
- Take actual or predicted values of DV and plot it against errors. The plot should be random. If there is a trend, take log of DV.
- Durbin-Watson Test : Tests for serial correlations between errors Range : 0-4 positive < 2 (uncorrelated) < negative
Multivariate Normal
- Methods:
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test / Shapiro-Wilk / Anderson-Darling / Jarque-Bera
- Q-Q Plot
- Histogram with fitted normal curve
- Corrections:
- Nonlinear / Log transformation