Linear Regression

Linear Regression is the most basic type of regression that there is. It takes a variable and states that on the basis of other variables, it will predict the concerned variable. It does this by simply drawing a line through the points and generating an equation.

Method = Ordinary Least Square

⚠️ Linear Regression requires the complete data should be numerical in nature.

  • Dependent Variable Y: the one you need to predict
  • Independent Variable X: the others with which you will predict
  • Residual: difference between observation and the fitted line
  • Error: Residual

The objective is to minimize the sum of squares of the residuals (difference between observation and the fitted line)


  1. Linear relationship between dependent & independent variables
  2. No presence of outliers
  3. Independent variables are independent of each other (non colinear)
  4. Errors, also called residuals
    1. Should have constant variance (homoscedasticity)
    2. Are independent and identically distributed (iid) ie No Autocorrelation
    3. Are normally distributed with a mean of 0



Outputs and Validation

  • R-squared: The most common validation check
  • Adjusted R-squared

One Hot Encoding

This method is used to convert Categorical variables to Continuous variables. It is very simple:

Transport » Car Bus Train
Car » 1 0 0
Bus » 0 1 0
Train » 0 0 1

Dummy Variable Trap

Lookout for this when converting categorical variables to continuous variables by one hot encoding (flag variable)

  • [x] Include one less variable when adding dummy variables to regression.
  • [x] The excluded variable serves as the base variable.
  • [x] All the other values are a reference to the base variable.

Tests for Assumptions:


  • Methods :
    • Residuals vs Predicted plot / Residuals vs Actuals plot
  • Corrections :
    • Log transformation for strictly positive variables
    • Adding regressor which is non-linear function eg x and x2
    • Create new variable which is sum/product of A & B


  • Methods:
    • Correlation Matrix
    • VIF (Variance Inflation Factor)

VIF is calculated only on the Independent variables. It runs a series of auxiliary regressions which fetches the R2 value of Xi against other IVs. Eg : If X2, X3, X4, have high R2 value when regressed against X1, it essentially means that X2, X3, X4 can explain a high amount of variation in X1 and it is redundant. Range = 1 to ∞ 1 < low < 5 < medium < 10 < high


  • Methods:
    • Goldfeld-Quandt test
    • Scatter plot (residuals vs predicted)
  • Corrections :
    • Take actual or predicted values of DV and plot it against errors. The plot should be random. If there is a trend, take log of DV.


  • Durbin-Watson Test : Tests for serial correlations between errors Range : 0-4 positive < 2 (uncorrelated) < negative

Multivariate Normal

  • Methods:
    • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test / Shapiro-Wilk / Anderson-Darling / Jarque-Bera
    • Q-Q Plot
    • Histogram with fitted normal curve
  • Corrections:
    • Nonlinear / Log transformation