Logistic Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

Although Logistic Regression is termed a Regression, it is in fact a method of Classification. The underlying methodology utilized concepts to linear regression and hence the name sayed.

Method = Maximum Likelihood Estimation / Chi-square

Logistic Regression is used to model the probability of an outcome. It is based on concept of Generalized Linear Model (GLM).

Dependent Variable Y = Binary (eg 0 or 1)
Independent Variable X = Continuous or Categorical

Since the dependent variable is binary, errors will be non-normally distributed. Also, Errors are heteroskedastic


  • Binary / Dichotomous - Dependent Variable is binary in nature (eg. 0/1)
  • Ordered - Dependent Variable has ordered levels eg High, Medium, & Low
  • Multinomial - Dependent Variable is nominal with more than two levels


  1. Binary logistic regression requires the dependent variable to be binary coded
  2. Model should have little or no multicollinearity
  3. Model should be fitted correctly: Neither overfitting or underfitting should occur
  4. The error terms should be independent ie the data should not be before-after samples
  5. Requires comparatively larger data sample (min 30 observations)
  6. There should be no outliers. Assessed by converting predictors to standardized or z scores and remove values below or greater than -3.29 or 3.29


It is similar to linear regression, except the Y variable is not regressed directly, instead the log odds ratio of Y is regressed.

Logit is a log of odds and odds are a function of P.

Step Type Range
a Linear regression -∞ to +∞
b Probability values 0 to 1
c Odds ratio 0 to ∞
d Log odds ratio -∞ to +∞

(natural) Log of odds is taken for better expressing the results :
eg: odds of 90% and 10% expressed as :: (0.9/0.1) = 9 and conversely, (0.1/0.9) = 0.11
However ln(0.9/0.1) = 2.217 and conversely, ln(0.1/0.9) = -2.217 relates in a much better way.

Interpretation: Logistic regression coefficients give the change in the log odds of the outcome for a one unit increase in the predictor variable



  • Null Deviance : Indicates the response predicted by a model with nothing but an intercept.Lower the value, better the model. The difference between null and residual deviance should also be high
  • Residual Deviance : Residual deviance indicates the response predicted by a model on adding independent variables. Lower the value, better the model
  • Fisher’s score : how far the model had to reiterate to get to the results, similar to AIC value.


  • Same significant variables should come in both the training and validation sample.
  • The behavior of variables should be same in both the samples (same sign of coefficients)
  • Beta coefficients should be close in training and validation samples
  • KS statistics should be in top 3 deciles
  • KS statistics should be between 40 and 70
  • Rank Ordering - There should not be any break in rank ordering.
  • Lift Curve - The larger the cumulative lift value the better the accuracy
  • Goodness of Fit Tests - Model should fit the data well. Check Hosmer and Lemeshow Test and Deviance and Residual Test.

Loss Function

  • A loss function is a measure of fit between a mathematical model of data and the actual data.
  • Parameters of the model are chosen that minimize the badness of fit or maximize the goodness of fit of the model to the data
  • With least squares, minimize SSres, the sum of squares residual and maximize the SSreg the sum of squares due to regression.
  • With the logistic curve there is no mathematical solution that will produce the least squares estimates of the parameters. It’s more of an optimization problem
  • For many of these models, the loss function chosen is called maximum likelihood

A likelihood is a conditional probability (eg P(Y|X), the probability of Y given X).