Covariance & Correlation
Correlation is a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be heavier than shorter people.
⚠️ Correlation doesn’t imply causation
Covariance :
Covariance is nothing but a measure of correlation. On the contrary, correlation refers to the scaled form of covariance.
Returns a value between -∞ & +∞
Sum [(X-u1) (Y-u2)] / (n-1)
Correlation :
Correlation is the standardized form of covariance.
Returns a value between 0 (very weak) & ±1 (very strong), inclusive
Multicollinearity : describes a linear relationship between two or more variables
Autocorrelation : describes correlation of a variable with itself in a time lag
Pearson Correlation (Karl Pearson)
- Measures the strength of linear dependence between two variables
- A correlation of 0 doesn’t imply ‘no relationship’ between the 2 variables, it just implies ‘no linear relationship’
- Calculated as the covariance of X and Y divided by product of standard deviation of X and Y
- Denoted as 𝝆 (rho) for population and r for sample correlation coefficient
r = i=1n[(xi- x) (yi-y)]i=1n(xi- x)i=1n(yi- y)
Spearman Correlation
- Is a non-parametric technique.
- Does not test a linear relationship but the strength of monotonicity between 2 variables ie the direction.
- Immune to outliers
- Can detect non-linear monotonic relationships easily as highly correlated.
- Divides the variable observations into ranks and runs correlation analysis based on the ranks instead of the original observation data.
However, Spearman correlation values tend to be subdued as compared to Pearson’s when detecting linear relationships: due to removal of impact of squared distances