Regression Metrics:

  • MAE is more robust to data with outliers.
  • The lower value of MAE, MSE, and RMSE implies higher accuracy of a regression model. However, a higher value of R square is considered desirable.
  • R Squared & Adjusted R Squared are used for explaining how well the independent variables in the linear regression model explains the variability in the dependent variable.
  • For comparing the accuracy among different linear regression models, RMSE is a better choice than R Squared.

Use Mean Absolute Error when there are outliers and Mean Squared Error when you want to use as a loss function.

R2 (coefficient of determination)

R Square

% of variance in Y that is explained by X. It is defined as the square of correlation between Predicted and Actual values.
R2= SSEIndependent VarSSEIndependent Var + SSEErrors


Adjusted R Square

Similar to R2. It penalizes for adding impurity (insignificant variables) to the model

Squared Error

MSE (Mean Squared Error)

Sum of squares / degree of freedom

RMSE (Root Mean Square Error)

It measures standard deviation of the residuals.

Model with the least RMSE is the best model
RMSE = sqrt (Sum of Squared Errors) / no of obs
= sqrt (mean ( (Actual - Predicted)2 ))


Absolute Error

MAE (Mean Absolute Error)

sum( |Error| ) / nError = Actual - Predicted |Error|=Absolute Error

MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)

{ absolute (average [ (Actual - Predicted) / Actual ])} should not exceed ~ 8% - 10%

Other Methods

  • AIC
  • BIC

RMSE is a better option as it is simple to calculate and differentiable. However, if your dataset has outliers then choose MAE over RMSE.

Loss Functions: objective is to minimize these

  • MAE : Mean Absolute Error (mean of the absolute errors)
  • MSE : Mean Squared Error (mean of the squared errors)
  • RMSE : Root Mean Squared Error (square root of the mean of squared errors)