Welcome to The Machine Learning Handbook!
In the era of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, it’s easy to get lost in the technicalities rather than solving business problems.
This handbook is a easy manual to get you started on the path of Machine Learning with easy relatable examples and lucid terminology. I try to keep everything as simple as can be.
Use this handbook as a quick one stop guide to refresh your memory or a quick base for grasping concepts written in clear, lucid and relatable language.
Click on any button below to get started:
[Statistics]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/a-statistics/index.md %})
[Supervised Learning]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/b-supervised-learning/index.md %})
[Unsupervised Learning]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/c-unsupervised-learning/index.md %})
[Reinforcement Learning]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/d-reinforcement-learning/index.md %})
Or select from the common topics:
[Regression]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/b-supervised-learning/1-regression/index.md %})
[Classification]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/b-supervised-learning/2-classification/index.md %})
[Ensemble]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/b-supervised-learning/3-ensemble/index.md %})
[Model Evaluation]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link docs/b-supervised-learning/model-evaluation.md %})
Thank you for reading this. The Machine Learning Handbook was created to provide an overall glimpse of the Machine Learning and Statistical Algorithms. This Handbook connects the complex understanding with simple structures and lucid terminology.
Feel free to reach out to me in case you have and queries or suggestions.